Time: A Finite Resource
Jaime Gatner-Schmidt
We are what we give our time to.
Let that ruminate for a while.
You will never reach optimal health, or build strong relationships, or learn, or create, or live a full life if you don’t give your time to the behaviours that support that end goal; whatever that may look like for you.
When you take responsibility for yourself and remain actively engaged with how you spend your time you begin to take as much control as life allows. (Which isn’t much, but it’s something, right?)
That is powerful.
You become powerful.
You can take pride in the small choices you have made, regardless of the time they took, because you know these are investments in yourself; a recognition that tomorrow holds the potential for you to be a better person and that you are capable of getting there.
You can build the life you want to have by giving your time to the process.
If your job makes you unhappy you can look for other opportunities, get additional certifications, seek out connections and experience by volunteering in your community. Hell, you can go back to school, move halfway around the world, and start over from scratch if you want to. If you don’t like your choices in the store you can grow your own food, make your own clothes, build your own furniture, 3D print your own designs. You can meet new people, change your attitude, share in the joys of others, listen more intently, laugh more often. You can learn to cook, dance, speak another language, solve complicated math equations, play an instrument, master martial arts. You can train your brain, body, and personality to accomplish just about anything. Be stronger, faster, funnier, graceful, smarter, calmer, happier - anything.
We live in a world of nearly limitless potential.
You can reach out through the internet, libraries, community groups, or as an individual to make new connections, gain knowledge or find the tools or means to do absolutely anything. We are really only limited by our own commitment and imagination. And though imagination may wax and wane through our lifetimes, we each get twenty-four hours every day. Twenty-four hours isn’t a lot, so it is important to actively choose how you will spend those hours; keeping your needs and wants in check and your priorities in balance.
Decide what you want to achieve and give your time over to it, even when it feels convenient to check out.
Whether it is spending more time with your loved ones, making the time to eat well and exercise, taking some time to yourself, giving time to charity, or any multitude of other things, you deserve to achieve your own version of success.
It is never too late to invest in yourself.