Uncomplicate Yourself

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Everything Is Going To Be Okay

Everything is going to be okay.

Be okay.

There isn’t really much other choice, is there?

Bad things happen and people tell us everything will be okay if we hold on, and with questionable enthusiasm (or none at all), we do. Then in times of happiness, we look back at old versions of ourselves, amazed at what we have survived.  We lose someone we love or we face tragedy or a sense of loss of ourselves and it becomes a little piece of sadness that we carry through our lives.

But, if we keep our eyes open for it, all sorts of little things that have the potential to enliven our lives are happening, unendingly.

The ultimate quest of life then becomes to collect more uplifting memories than bad ones.

The small and simple, the large and grandiose.

Ones of challenge and adventure, of quiet tenderness.

The miracles of nature revealing themselves to you.

Your triumph over the trials of life.

All the things that make you and the ones you love happy. 

The greatness of your lifetime.   

Out there, just waiting for you to perceive it.

What are you waiting for?